Expanding Undergraduate Success in STEM (EUSS) Conferences

Improving How Science is Taught: Mentoring, Teaching & Advising

As part of the BSP's Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Sustaining Excellence grant, from 2015–2019, the BSP held a series of annual conferences to explore ways to improve undergraduate STEM education, so more students remain in science. The first conference, Expanding Undergraduate Success in Biology, aimed to share BSP's strategies for increasing undergraduate persistence in STEM majors, develop research plans to investigate how and why the BSP works, and disseminate the BSP's best practices to other units at UC Berkeley. In 2016, the conference was re-named Expanding Undergraduate Success in STEM (EUSS) to reflect how the project had grown to include participants in STEM fields beyond biology.

A big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the conferences and working groups. The meetings brought together members of the STEM community, both locally and nationally, to explore the challenges and opportunities of increasing equity, inclusion, and institutional change in STEM education and disciplines. Working together to improve students' experiences and success rates works, and we look forward to future partnership opportunities. 

Poster presenter smiling in front of her poster

Kern Community College District Chancellor Dr. Sonya Christian (previously Bakersfield College President) at the 2019 Expanding Undergraduate Success in STEM (EUSS) Conference. The conference brought together students and educators from the UC, CSU, and California Community Colleges to explore the opportunities and challenges of increasing retention and success in STEM education and disciplines.

Annual Conference Materials


Speaker Biographies

Dr. John Matsui
BSP Director & Co-Founder | UCB
Expanding Undergraduate Success in Biology
Dr. Sylvia Hurtado
Professor | UCLA
STEM Undergraduate Education: Increasing Diversity & Productivity
Dr. Mica Estrada
Assistant Professor | UCSF
Understanding Why Programs Work: Cultivating Psycho-social Stability and Integration


Speaker Biographies

Dr. Shaila Kotadia
STEM Equity Planning Director, Division of Equity & Inclusion | UCB
Berkeley STEM Equity & Inclusion Initiative
Dr. Andrew Eppig
Institutional Research Analyst, Division of Equity & Inclusion | UCB
Campus Climate in a Major Advising Context
Dr. Mica Estrada
Assistant Professor | UCSF
Examining the Power of Community to Increase Persistence in Science


Conference Summary

Speaker Biographies

Dr. John Matsui
BSP Director & Co-Founder, Assistant Dean | UCB

EUSS 2017
Part I
Part II

Dr. Kelly Mack
Vice President for Undergraduate STEM Education, Executive Director for Project Kaleidoscope | Asso. of Amer. Colleges & Universities
That None Shall Perish: Expanding Undergraduate Success in STEM
Part I
Part II
Dr. Mica Estrada
Social Psychologist, Assistant Professor | UCSF, Dept. of Social & Behavioral Sciences and The Institute of Health & Aging
Why does BSP Work? The Gift It Forward Study & Lessons for Institutional Change


STEM Equity Conference

The final conference was hosted jointly by the UC System-wide Faculty Learning Community Project, The California Learning Lab, and The Biology Scholars Program.