MCB 102

Study Group available for this course

Samantha Tapia

MCB 102 Study Group Leader
Why do you tutor for BSP?

During my time at UC Berkeley, the Biology Scholars Program has been one of the most supportive academic spaces I have been part of. Their study groups gave me the opportunity to speak up without fear of judgment and introduced me to individuals who were willing to share how they navigated my future courses.

Now that I am approaching my last year at Cal, I am excited to give back to my community by leading the BSP Biochemistry study group as one of the tutors. I hope to be a source of support during...

Khizur Kamran

MCB 102 Study Group Leader
Why do you tutor for BSP?

Coming into Berkeley as a pre-med student, I had heard so much of the competitive and cut-throat environment of STEM classes. I remember being scared to ask questions whenever I would have trouble because I worried about the professors or other students thinking that my questions were too basic for a “Berkeley” student. I tried to figure things out on my own as much as I could that first semester, however once I started using the resources which we are provided, I began to truly succeed. After taking Biochemistry last semester, I realized...