Study Group Leader

A current BSP member who is a Study Group Leader for the BSP Study Groups.

Snigdha Barua

Chem 3B Study Group Leader

Why do you tutor for BSP?

Throughout my academic career, I found that two things contribute to my success. The first is being part of a community (whether that be educational, cultural, or otherwise), and the second is having a mentor figure in my life. And BSP truly embraces these two things and equips BSPers like me with both. This is the main reason why I chose to tutor for BSP; I want to give back to the community that continues to guide and encourage folks of all different backgrounds to reach their optimal potential. I hope to bring...

Rituja Bhowmik

Physics 8A Study Group Leader

Why do you tutor for BSP?

When I joined BSP as a freshman, I struggled with imposter syndrome, adjusting to the academic rigor of introductory STEM classes here at Berkeley, and meeting students who experienced similar life challenges. When I found BSP, I found a community that gives every BSP-er so much support, confidence, and strength to face these challenges together, not alone. I wanted to give back to my BSP community, and create a safe space in Study Group where you feel supported in your learning and not afraid to ask...

Neha Jag

Chem 1A & Chem 3A Study Group Leader

Why do you tutor for BSP?

I tutor for BSP because I feel it is a wonderful way to give back to our BSP community and strive to improve student's undergraduate experience here at Cal. After attending high-school in the suburbs, coming to a big city like Berkeley was beyond overwhelming for me and BSP aided me in navigating my way through planning out course schedules, succeeding in weeder classes like Chem1A , and overall finding a community that I could call my safe space. As a previous student in BSP's Chem 1A Study Group, I felt so...

Khizur Kamran

MCB 102 Study Group Leader

Why do you tutor for BSP?

Coming into Berkeley as a pre-med student, I had heard so much of the competitive and cut-throat environment of STEM classes. I remember being scared to ask questions whenever I would have trouble because I worried about the professors or other students thinking that my questions were too basic for a “Berkeley” student. I tried to figure things out on my own as much as I could that first semester, however once I started using the resources which we are provided, I began to truly succeed. After taking Biochemistry...

Roshni Kumar

Data 8 Study Group Leader

Why do you tutor for BSP?

BSP has been one of the most impactful experiences for me in my time at Berkeley. I joined in my freshman year, looking to find a community in the life sciences, but I could have never predicted the magnitude of support and invaluable relationships I have developed since. I tutor for BSP because I want to give back to a program that has helped me so much with navigating Berkeley and provide support for other students and hopefully inspire them to pursue more opportunities in life sciences and data science....

Veronica Lopez-Castaño

Bio 1A Study Group Leader

Why do you tutor for BSP?

I tutor for BSP to give back to my community. The BSP study group leaders have helped me understand some of the most rigorous courses here at Cal while also providing a welcoming environment. I hope to provide the same support to those in the Bio 1A study group.

What is your favorite class so far?

My favorite class is NUSTCX 20.

Ángel Brianna Martínez

Chem 3B Study Group Leader

Why do you tutor for BSP?

I tutor for BSP because I want to give back to the community that has supported me so much in my educational journey at Cal. The least I can do is share my knowledge with others and see them grow from it!

What is your favorite class so far?

My favorite class so far has actually been Chem 3B! This was the first STEM course I took at Cal that allowed me to feel confident in my scientific abilities. My success in this class reaffirmed...

Natalie Miramontes

Bio 1B Study Group Leader

Why do you tutor for BSP?

During my first year at Cal, I struggled a lot with my self-confidence as a scholar and with handling the structure and rigor of lower-division STEM courses. BSP showed me that I wasn’t alone in this experience. After joining BSP, I found a safe space and an extremely compassionate and supportive community of peers and advisors who have not only provided me with the tools and skills in order to succeed at Cal but who have also helped me conquer many of my fears and turn them into motivation. BSP study groups...

Oge Okpala

Bio 1AL Study Group Leader

Why do you tutor for BSP?

I tutor for BSP because I believe it is a great way to give back to the BSP community that has done so much to support me.

What is your favorite class so far?

My favorite class so far is Bio 1A.

Itzel Olmedo Robles

Chem 3A Study Group Leader

Why do you tutor for BSP?

During my first year at Berkeley I had a really hard time learning how to handle taking challenging STEM classes. After joining BSP, I started attending the Chem 3A study group where I was shown immense support and compassion. Study group became one of the most helpful resources that helped me succeed in the class since I was able to review material, ask millions of questions, practice problem sets, and meet other wonderful BSPers. I believe in the importance of giving back to my community, and I would love...