Faculty Advisory Committee

UC Berkeley faculty members who serve on the BSP Faculty Advisory Committee

Gregory Aponte

Professor of Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology
Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology

The Biology Scholars Program embodies the mission of our campus on its best day.

Anne Baranger

Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
College of Chemistry

Meet Professor Baranger and learn how she makes chemistry education equitable, inclusive, accessible, enjoyable, and relatable in the Berkeley Science Review's faculty profile online.

Diana Bautista

Professor of Cell & Developmental Biology and of Neurobiology
Molecular and Cell Biology

I am committed to help BSP create a community that values diversity and creates equal opportunities for all trainees to succeed in Biology at Cal!

George Bentley

Professor of Integrative Biology
Integrative Biology
I am pleased to serve on the Advisory Board and support BSP because I have seen first-hand how students thrive in the program. Plus, the BSP students are smart, motivated and fun to work with!

Stephanie Carlson

Professor of Fish Ecology
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management

Eva Harris, PhD

Professor of Infectious Diseases & Vaccinology and Director of Center for Global Public Health
School of Public Health

tyrone B hayes, PhD

Professor of Integrative Biology
Integrative Biology

I have been a member of the Department of Integrative Biology for 31 years. BSP has had an incredible impact on our campus by supporting diversity, promoting equity and inclusion and creating a sense of belonging in its members. It is my honor to serve. I can't imagine the campus without BSP.

Caroline Kane

Professor in Residence Emerita
Molecular and Cell Biology

I serve on the BSP Faculty Advisory Board to be an advocate and supporter of the Program and its students, alumni and staff. My history with the program may help provide insights and a broader network of supporters well beyond me personally.

Marvalee Wake

Professor of the Graduate School
Integrative Biology

I am honored to serve on the new Faculty Advisory Committee for the Berkeley Scholars Program because I have long admired it as a successful model for attracting students, especially those from under-served groups, to research in the biological sciences. The program needs and deserves renewed support, internally and externally of the University, and I hope that we can help to generate real stability for this progressive and important program.