More great things are coming to this page soon!
Until then, please enjoy the following selection of workshops and talks in which we have participated. Our YouTube channel features many of BSP's vibrant community of scholars, alumni, faculty, and staff. Visit and follow the Biology Scholars Program at UC Berkeley Youtube channel.
Tools for Increasing DEI in Academia Fall 2021 | Dr. John Matsui
On September 28, 2021, Dr. Matsui discussed the Biology Scholars Program and how the program successfully recruits and retains students from underrepresented and marginalized groups. Part of the Fall 2021 Tools for Increasing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academia series at the University of California, Berkeley.
Advising Strategies to Enlarge and Diversify the Pool of Undergraduates in STEM
In this interactive workshop, BSP Director/co-Founder, John Matsui will first discuss BSP’s approach to advising its members and then work with you to identify how to adapt and adopt this approach to advise all students beyond the program, especially those from backgrounds underrepresented in STEM.
Idea Factory: A research symposium hosted by the Dept. of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Communications at Lawrence Technological University
'Outsiders at the Table' Diversity Lessons from The Biology Scholars Program.
Expanding Undergraduate Success in STEM – Lessons from a Biology Scholars Program Course
MCB 15: Effective Strategies for Centering Marginalized Students in STEM: Lessons from a Biology Scholars Program (BSP) Course. A teaching workshop on effective strategies for retaining low-income and first-to-college students in STEM.
STEM Diversity: Scaling Our Success to 'Fix' our Institutions and Not our Students
Dr. John Matsui presented this keynote at the 2021 LS-PAC MODELS Diversity in STEM Conference in July.
UC STEM Faculty Learning Community Annual Meeting
Dr. John Matsui presents his thoughts on why The Biology Scholars Program works and what more can be learned.
UC Berkeley Minorities in Health Conference
Dr. John Matsui gave the closing talk and participated in a Q & A session for the 2021 UC Berkeley Minorities in Health Conference. It is a free annual conference for minority undergraduate and high school students, organized by five minority-focused health groups at UC Berkeley. The conference aims to educate students on health disparities that affect our communities and find ways to decrease these disparities by encouraging and inspiring high school and undergraduate students to strive toward higher education and, ultimately, health careers.